We’ve been taught that “yes” is a word of connection, of opportunity, of kindness. But here’s the thing—sometimes, the kindest thing you can say is no. I know it can feel uncomfortable, but leaning into that discomfort is where growth happens. Let’s talk about why saying no is an act of love, for yourself and others. […]
Ever walked away from a conversation feeling completely drained?Ever found yourself saying yes when you desperately wanted to say NO?Or maybe you’ve started wondering: “Wait… is this relationship actually good for me?” If so, this episode is a must-listen. 🎧✨ Self-love isn’t just about bubble baths and affirmations—it’s about creating relationships that truly support and uplift you. And […]
There’s a wealth of resources waiting for you here, designed to empower you on your journey. From practical tips on setting healthy boundaries to self-care strategies and self-discovery guidance, you’ll find everything you need to leave people-pleasing behind and live authentically. Start at the top and explore the posts that resonate with you, or scroll down to browse by category. Not sure where to begin? Dive into my featured stories for some of my personal favorites!
You have stepped out of YOU. Because you thought you were not enough. Not good enough. Not skinny enough. Not rich enough. Not beautiful enough. Not friendly enough. Not _____(fill in the blanks) enough. Because you heard it over and over again. Until you believed it. And lost your divine innocence. You stepped out of yourself. […]
“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.” Each day gives us a multitude of choices to make. This is one of the most magical gifts we are given as humans. The ability to choose.
If you’ve read “Read this if you’re stressed about sleep” then you’ve heard about my struggles and anxiety around sleep. If you haven’t read it, let’s just say it got to the point where I hired a sleep coach. It turned out that my daily sleep routine was completely off. It’s taken a while for me […]
What we feel, we become. What we become, we attract. Abundance comes naturally in many forms. Despite our desire for financial richness, abundance likes to show up in other areas too. An abundance of resources, of friendship, love, support, laughter, plays out in our daily lives… if we could only “stop to smell the roses”. […]
20,000.This is the number of decisions we make each day. Yes, so many.
Every. single. day.
From our half-asleep shuffle to the bathroom to put toothpaste on our toothbrush, to our caffeinated commute to work, to the answer to the daily question we mull over with our spouse: “what shall we eat for dinner?” and each fully conscious decision of what to eat for dinner or which movie to watch.
I know you’re hurting right now and everything feels like it’s against you but I promise that it’s not. And I’m here today to give you a little gentle-yet-firm reminder:
There’s nothing more frustrating than to be tired if you can’t fall sleep. You toss and turn, but you can’t find asleep. Then you need to learn this about your sleep.
Life purpose – it’s a phrase that gets tossed around like a hot potato these days… a hot potato with a heavy weight attached. It seems innocent enough. Who doesn’t want to thrive, doing exactly what they came to Earth to do? But with an internet full of life coaches, articles and personalized offers on how […]