Self Discovery

The Decision Formula

“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.” Each day gives us a multitude of choices to make. This is one of the most magical gifts we are given as humans. The ability to choose. 

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I guide you from "Am I good enough?" to "Is this good for me?" Learn to set healthy boundaries, prioritize your needs, and build relationships that enrich your whole life.


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Learn to set healthy boundaries and create a life that is totally YOU.

“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.” — Mark Batterson

Each day gives us a multitude of choices to make. This is one of the most magical gifts we are given as humans. The ability to choose. 

Our default for decision making really depends on what we place value in.

If we are spiritual, we tend to make decisions based on a sense of knowing… in other words, our intuition.

If we value safety, it is top priority to make a decision based on a logical evaluation of risk.

What we truly seek is a balance between the two. It is good to approach things with our intuition and then back it up with logic.

Our mind and our fears can be valuable consultants in our life. But they should never be in full control of the steer. 

With so many choices to make each day, it can be easy to forget the most important part of the process: doing what feels right to you.

When I have to make a decision that feels big, I imagine myself at a large table with all my consultants, a.k.a all the parts of me. 

These parts include: my fear, my rational mind, my heart, my future self…every part of me that’s involved in this decision. I imagine myself at the head of the boardroom table, carefully listening to the knowledge of all of my parts and gingerly hearing out each pro and con. And then, I follow this decision-making process step by step.

So, without any more chit chat, here’s my step-by-step formula for making the best decision possible at any given time:

1. Decide in full alignment

Alignment is all about how a decision feels in your body. Is your heart happy with the new opportunity? Do you get excited? Even though you feel scared at the same time? Then it’s a yes.

Do you have a positive gut feeling? Does your inner Divine woman love this new perspective? Then it’s a yes.

2. Prepare for the worst

Our fears can be a bit annoying sometimes. They have a tendency to stick around in our minds. Though we listened carefully and considered everything they had to say, they still might not be ready to quiet down and let us choose in peace!

That’s why I sit down and write out a list of everything that could go wrong. Every single thing, no matter how ridiculous. I then create a second row on my list and write down how I can handle the imagined catastrophe should it ever come true. When I know I’m ready to tackle the worst case scenario, I can go for the new exciting opportunity. Because no matter what will happen – I’ve already done the mental training for it.

3. Think about the effect your decision has on you and those around you.

Is this decision bringing you closer to who you want to be and how you want to live? Then it’s a yes. 

How will it affect those around you? There may be fears that arise from your inner circle. To deal with this, you must prepare how you’ll listen to people that matter to you. Think about how you’ll deal with their concerns. It’s not your job to make everybody happy, but it’ll make your relationships so much deeper if you listen carefully and consider others’ point of view.

4. Now you are prepared to decide. How do you feel?

An additional tip: Make a step by step list of every emotion or circumstance you can imagine your decision might bring in its realization- good or bad. This is your road map and it will keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

It takes the perfect mix of planning and intuition to make the best decision for every circumstance that arises.

This decision formula is always here for you, so refer back to it as often as you need to before it becomes a well-ingrained habit.

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I'm Nadja, your new self-love friend.

As a recovered people-pleaser, I know how frustrated you feel when you care for everyone else but yourself. I've learned to set healthy boundaries and prioritize myself to create the life I want to live (not one where I comply with other people's guidelines). I'll show you exactly how to build YOUR life - the way you want to live it (and yes, boundaries play a huge role in that!) Start living unapologetically and totally YOU.

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Steal My Healthy Boundaries Checklist

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Steal My Healthy Boundaries Checklist

If you had the proper role models to learn from, setting healthy boundaries would be as natural as breathing. If you didn’t, don’t worry, you can absolutely learn how.

Nadja helps you go from "Am I good enough?" to "Is this good enough for me?" 

Nadja Hagen

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