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Feel good setting boundaries 

Ensure your boundaries are being respected

Setting healthy boundaries would be easy if you had role models to learn from. Unfortunately, if you didn’t, it doesn’t come natural. The good news: you can learn how! Download my 8 Steps to Healthy Boundaries checklist and start implementing healthy boundaries today.

Steal My 8 Steps to Healthy Boundaries Checklist

- Christine

"Wow, I LOVED Nadja's checklist. I love having all the steps all together. "

Meet your coach

Hi, I'm Nadja, and I Make Setting Boundaries Feel Good

I did everything I was supposed to and created a life that looked damn good on paper, only to feel empty, unfulfilled, and deeply unhappy. My whole life, I've fulfilled other people's expectations and found myself in a life that didn't fit me. It was time to put myself first, implement healthy boundaries, and create the life I was excited about! Now, I teach you how to do it, too!

Self Love Coach for recovering people-pleasers